
Volunteers Needed:
Translaryngeal Vibration for Hyperfunctional Voice Disorders
- The Harris College of Nursing & Health Sciences is conducting research to find out if the application of vibration to the neck area during voice therapy has a more positive effect than voice therapy without vibration.
- To be included in this study, the following must apply: (a) diagnosis by an otolaryngologist of dysphonia associated with muscle tension, without lesions such as nodules or polyps, and with a recommendation for voice therapy, (b) confirmation of dysphonia by a comprehensive voice evaluation conducted by a speech-language pathologist, (c) scores on a survey which reflect a negative experience due to your voice problem, and (d) 18 years of age or older,
- You will be asked to receive the same treatment as would be normal in standard practice, with the exception that a hand-held vibration tool will also be applied to the skin overlying your laryngeal area (a.k.a., “voice box”) for a period of time during treatment. This will be part of your treatment program for a period of time between 5 to 8 weeks, and you will be asked to come back for a follow-up visit to assess your voice 4 weeks after you finish the treatment. Each treatment session will last approximately 30 minutes, and you will be treated one time per week.
- Participation will take place at ATEMPO Voice Center located at 2000 Cooper St, Fort Worth, TX 76104. There are no known risks involved in this research.
For more information, please contact the investigator:
Dr. Christopher Watts
Harris College of Nursing & Health Sciences
Texas Christian University
TCU does not discriminate based upon any protected status. Please see
- Promo code: atempoVOICECENTER
- Promo code: ATEMPO