
What Do We Know About Normals?

What is Normal? Voice Rehabilitation depends on knowing to what degree we deviate from the norm. This helps us better understand what constitutes a disorder.

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Eagle Syndrome: A Rare Bird Indeed

“In retrospect,” Grace says, “it’s heartbreaking to think of someone in a voice care position dismissed my complaints because there was no evidence of pathology from stroboscopy.” She says her feelings were 100% real.

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Fit Voices? The Rise of Vocal Injury in Fitness Instructors

The amount of fitness instructors who experience voice issues that continue to recur is 44-70%, according to Rumbach 2013. 78% report feeling a change in their voices after teaching just one class. And the very sad thing is that 80% of these folks regularly use microphones, but they constantly malfunction or the instructor has no idea how to use them efficiently. 

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Announcing Passaggio Education: Continuing ed 2024

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A Day in the Life of a Voice SLP

Working for yourself is not an easy out. It takes dedication and learning how to sift through the murky waters to pull through to the sun above. You can enjoy, but you have to keep trying to get ahead. If you want a 9-5 where you leave it all at work, I would encourage you to re-think working your own business. As for me, I couldn’t imagine it any other way….

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