Can it be…MTD? Muscle Tension Dysphonia Defined.
Completely over diagnosed. Wrongly diagnosed. Underdiagnosed. What the heck is MTD? Muscle Tension Dysphonia is a term that describes a certain type of voice problem
Completely over diagnosed. Wrongly diagnosed. Underdiagnosed. What the heck is MTD? Muscle Tension Dysphonia is a term that describes a certain type of voice problem
When a patient comes to you with complaints of hoarseness, the first thing you do is probably perform your evaluation. Check. You make sure the patient
#Researchtues Featuring Integrated Implicit-Explicit Learning Approach to Voice Therapy by Cari M. Tellis I wonder to myself all the time how I would train another
#researchtues and #bangbang Resonant Voice Therapy might have let you hold its hand in school, but I’m gunna show you how to graduate…haha. I can’t
Functional aphonia, conversional aphonia, psychogenic aphonia, acute sudden voice loss, hysterical aphonia….They all are names for the same disorder. In school, I learned that functional aphonia
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